Hosted by Michigan State University

Call for Abstracts

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*)

Presenter Information The person listed here is who will receive all communications from the committee considering your submission.
If you supply an e-mail address, a receipt for your registration will automatically be sent to that account.
Abstract Information Selection of accepted abstracts will be made based on scientific merit, evidence and objectivity, originality, relevance to the target audience and stakeholders, and clarity and cohesiveness. Additionally, corresponding authorship of early career researchers, international, or underrepresented individuals will be considered.
If the presentation has more than one author, please provide the names of the other authors of the presentation, including affliation and email addresses. For example: Joe Black, Michigan State University,; Sally Bless, Kansas State University,
Please include no more than 120 characters including spaces
Please limit to 300 words. Presentation submissions may include unfinished work – if accepted, unfinished work will be poster presentations only.
Please submit a pdf or word document file.
This is particularly important for those with a P.h.D or DVM degree.

Presentation Type, Category Information and Accommodation Considerations

Preferred Presentation Style *
Presentation Categories (check all that apply): *
I would like to be considered for Presentation/Poster Award *

Contact Information

For more information, contact Narendra Das at or 517-614-7758.